Monday, August 8, 2011

Wonder Woman - 07/31/01

Subject:  Wonder Woman

Date: July 31, 2001
That sums up Mom. Here she is, 91 with a fractured neck
(2 dislocated vertebrae - C1 and C2) and other unconfirmed
problems plus the usual assortment of health glitches that
come with being an "ancient one," and from all accounts
(Whitney's, Peter's and the nurse's) she is doing remarkably
well. Hear tell she ate almost all of her lunch & drank

all of her coffee and ate almost all of her dinner & drank
all of her coffee. Delightful surprise - the doctors are ap-
parently talking
about physical rehab and have give the
green light to
transfer her to a regular unit as soon as a bed
is available!
We'll miss the ICU nursing staff - especially
Jessie - who've given excellent care.

Going with the premise she'll be out of ICU in couple days,
it should be okay to send cards et al (verboten in ICU).
You'll have gotten/be getting an invit' to sign aboard Mom's

family & friends website at - KRL's Family Circus.
Thank goodness we got it up and running - if not populated -
two weeks ago as part of a journaling circle I facilitiated.
It'll have daily updates from Whitney or myself (albeit 2nd
hand from moi). I hope to get some pictures of Mom up on it

too, if anyone out there has a scanner.

We figured that she's getting MORE visitors than if she was

in Bryn Athyn. I could only go after work, whereas Whitney
works just 15 minutes away from the hospital. Mom has her
"angel child" - Erin - more or less in the area. Peter was down
there from last Sunday afternoon to tomorrow. Reynolds just

arrived home from Montana and I understand he is heading
down tomorrow. Bob and Kathryn & kinder were able to drop
by for a visit this afternoon before heading back home to
Newcastle, CA via BWI - - what timing!!

Even though it leaves me with just 3 vacation days for the rest

of the year, I took today off to recuperate from driving. John
offered to drive yesterday, but I drove all the way home.

Back to the coal mines, as Mom says, tomorrow.

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