Friday, July 9, 2010


Subject: golden girl, "Grey Lady"
Date: Fri, 24 Mar 2000 21:29:05 EST

A good portion of this circle of friends did not know Emilie. She was, as I said, a truly "golden girl" - not because she had wealth, because all it did was add just an bit more flair to already rich and enriching life; not because of the accolades, because to her being of service was honor in itself.

How many of you know that Emilie was a "Grey Lady" at Abington Hospital, one of those marvelous volunteers who did so much to make patients' lives brighter?

We Lockharts have our very own "grey lady," who (if legend is to be believed, and it is always more fun to believe than not) was trained by Emilie herself. That is BENITA, a wonderful grey hippopotamus hand puppet. Mim gave her to me over twenty years ago and ever since my mastectomy back in 1980, she has accompanied me on every hospital stay. Recently, she came with me for my extensive pre-admin testing. Whenever someone would ask about her, I'd explain, "She's a 'grey lady' and is here to give me comfort." The nurses took it all in stride.

Full circle brings it back to Emilie and the good she did for all those years. I suppose that if Elsa had been able to attend Emilie's memorial yesterday, Benita would have insisted on going too. Like Emilie, she looks soft and pretty, but don't be fooled!

Am heading up the wooden hill. Love to all - KRL

reposted in sweet memory of its author, KATHARINE REYNOLDS LOCKHART, by her scribe/daughter, Elsa Lockhart Murphy aka Deev, in honor of the 05/14 centenary of KRL's birthday

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